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PGMate in 5 minutes

Let's discover PGMate in less than 5 minutes. You can easily run PGMate Demo Project in the Cloud for free, and quickly get to a result like:

PGMate Table View

Getting Started

You can try PGMate in 4 different ways:

  • In the Cloud
    • run it on
    • run it as GitHub Codespace
  • Locally
    • quick bash command
    • by cloning the Demo project

In the Cloud

Run PGMate on

Click on this button and enjoy the automation:

Open in Gitpod

Run PGMate on GitHub Codespace

  1. Open the Demo Project on GitHub
  2. Click on: Code
  3. Click on: Create codespace on main
  4. Take a cup of coffee...

Run PGMate as GitHub Codespace

In Your Development Machine

Quick Bash

  1. open your favourite Terminal App
  2. paste this command
curl -sL | bash -s -- run

You need Docker and a Linux environment (Mac also works fine)

Clone the Demo Project

  1. open your favourite Terminal App
  2. git clone pgmate
  3. cd pgmate
  4. docker compose up

You need Docker and a Linux environment (Mac also works fine)


The Demo Project ships with pgmate as default password:

PGMate Login


You can change it to your favourite password by editing PGMATE_ADMIN_SECRET env variable.

🧑‍💻 If you are running if from the QuickBash command, try:

curl -sL | bash -s \
-- run \

Connections Manger (coming soon)

This feature is under development and you will soon be able to connect to multiple databases.

For now, PGMate requires a default connection string, and the Demo Project ships with a local Postgres container running alongside PGMate.

Select the default connection and start exploring the default database.


You can change the default db by editing the PGSTRING env variable

🧑‍💻 If you are running if from the QuickBash command, try:

curl -sL | bash -s \
-- run \

Explore your Database

[[ coming soon... ]]

Move across different Views

[[ coming soon... ]]

Quick Connection Switch

[[ coming soon... ]]